Tajani asks to double the EU budget and suggests new European resources

The President of the European Parliament (EP), Antonio Tajani, called for a duplication of the EU budget and suggested the introduction of new European resources, such as a tax on financial transactions in stock operations.

Berlin, November 13 (EFE). - The president of the European Parliament (PE), Antonio Tajani, asked to duplicate the community budget and suggested the introduction of new European resources, as a tax on financial transactions in stock exchange operations.

"The budget currently amounts to around 140,000 million euros per year, less than 1% of the GDP of the States of the EU. opted for a renewal of the EU led by Germany, France, Italy and Spain.

However, the idea would not be to finance this expanded budget with additional transfers from Member States, but with new Community resources of their own, through the introduction, for example, of a tax on financial transactions in securities transactions, He said.

"We must protect the citizens and that these new resources are paid by those who do not pay taxes in Europe, speculate or operate in tax havens", Efe sources pointed out. of his cabinet.

The new funds will not aim to finance "the Brussels bureaucracy," Tajani also stressed.

He also stressed the need to "define key objectives for the next EU budget after 2021 and then determine the most important expenditure items ", which would be, he said, the control of immigration, the fight against terrorism and measures to stimulate economic growth in Europe.

He also underlined the urgency of advancing cooperation in the field of defense, which includes promoting leading companies in that industry.

On the other hand, rejected the proposal of the French president, Emmanuel Macron, of a budget and a parliament for the eurozone, by counting the EU already with them, although he said he shared the idea with the French head of state of a finance minister, as well as a tax harmonization.

Tajani was in favor of Germany, France, Italy and Spain assume the role of promoting these reforms in order to drag the other states.

It is about "taking on more responsibility for Europe" in order to face the "important challenges," he said, while stressing the need to invest more in energy and in the digitalization of the economy "to be able to compete with the United States, China, India or Russia.

On the other hand, Tajani referred to the "brexit" negotiations and recalled that understanding is necessary on three key issues: the rights of 3.5 million citizens Europeans living in the United Kingdom, the control of the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland and the economic obligations of the United Kingdom with the EU.

In Tajani's opinion, the EU can not accept less than 60,000 million euros for leaving the United Kingdom, otherwise it would be European citizens who would pay the difference.

On the other hand, he asked for a "Plan Marshall "for Africa in order to avoid an exodus and added that the next European budget should allocate at least 40,000 million euros for that continent for a period of seven years.